Sponsor Vertica Unify 2022
Sponsor Vertica Unify 2022, the premier data analytics event for 2022! As a potential sponsor, you’ll have a key business development opportunity to reinforce your position as an industry leader and connect with high-level customers.
Be seen, be heard!
Our sponsors can showcase their solutions in booths placed at the core of the audience flow onsite for Boston and Paris. Platinum sponsorships have the opportunity to speak in our General Session.
Top reasons to sponsor:
Attract new business
Your prospects are here. This is a premier business development opportunity, packaged in a high-profile event.
Increase visibility
Reinforce your position as an industry leader who collaborates with other data-driven innovators.
Grow your network
Connect in-person to create new business relationships and strengthen existing ones with customers, partners, and analytics and machine learning experts.
Strengthen partnerships
Become an integral part of the Vertica solutions ecosystem. Your sponsorship will highlight your partnership with Vertica, and demonstrate how your technologies help integrate information management, machine learning, data analytics, and best practices across the ecosystem.